Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This should be required viewing ....

... for anyone wanting to get married, get a dog or have kids! :) We could SOoooo relate! Laughed SO hard at times....I cried at others (& I don't typically cry at the drop of a hat!).

We've had our share of "Marley Moments"... like when Mak ate a futon. Yes - a FUTON! or when Katie got sprayed by a skunk smack dab in the kisser (licker?!)...came in gurgling/foaming at the mouth --- rubbing her face in the carpet downstairs ....AARgHhhhh. - .... I tho't for sure she was dying (!) ...what a scene as we attempted to deal w/ her in her misery (me gagging the whole time!) & then the aftermath of the horrible lingering stench. And youda tho't she learned her lesson after that but noooooo....UGGGHH. Needless to say - there's no more carpet downstairs!
Strike was traumatized & I believe she still has flashbacks ...she can smell a skunk a mile away & goes around closing doors & windows at the first wiff!

Unfortunately even tho' it's PG there are a few parts they coulda/shoulda left out ( I guess that's where the Parental Guidance is required ...aka Remote Control... & more specifically, fast forward) - but overall a great "documentary" of
real life if indeed you are living - or attempting to live - the "American Dream" (btw ... I'm not so sure that's all it's cracked up to be....ph that's a subject for a future post).

I may be the last person in America to see this movie - but if by chance you haven't either, click here for a clip: http://marleyandmemovie.com/

Any Marley Moments you care to share?

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