Saturday, March 14, 2009

My "magic" coffee pot works... like a charm :)

During a recent ice storm we were w/o power for several days - but our gas stove worked, so we dug out a camping coffee pot, used it & learned that we really like perked coffee! - so much so that we ended up purchasing an old retro/70's type clear glass heavy(!) pyrex percolator (they don't make 'em like that anymore! :) -on e-bay. I was thrilled to get my hands on one where I could actually see the color of the coffee to help determine when it's done! But - as it turns out, that's not its best feature afterall! In fact.... it seems to have an almost magical quality...

Perhaps the magic is hidden somewhere in the extra time required in the brewing process - that, before the first cup is even poured, encourages (practically forces!) those eagerly awaiting their cuppa - to slow down(!) - to a pace much more reminiscient of the era my percolator was made in - prior to cell phones, laptops, IM, IPOD's, text messaging, etc - to a pace that encourages conversation - know - that thing you do where you actually use your voice(!) & are able to look into the eyes & read the body language of the ones w/ whom you are speaking - for an extended period of time (it's really not as scary as it me).

Yesterday, rather last minute & after a crazy & busy week, we had a house full of friends over for dinner - & low & behold, our old fashioned percolator ended up in the midst of the adults once again - encouraging those surrounding it to slow down... to linger a little longer, to reminisce & to savor each sip - & the time spent w/ the people at hand. And so it seems.... one man's junk is now my (magical!) treasure! - & last night, yet again... it worked like a charm :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

That's great. I have a Barista from Starbucks and I have used that for a few years to make late's. But i have more and more turned to regular coffee. I new favorite is a french press in a creamy ceramic. It is so pretty and the coffee is really good. I finally just got tired of making shot after shot for each person who wanted coffee that came over. too much work. I like your idea best.