Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A bold conclusion?!

Note: for the more concise version of this post, just read the bold text :)

In Nehemia 10, seven resolutions are listed that the people of Judah made to avoid making the same big mistakes again - & I wonder...

Q. What makes one more likely to "keep" a resolution/promise?

A. Seems the "key" is regrets -- & that confessing sin (admitting mistakes) & repenting (vowing not to make the same mistakes again) is where we're motivated/strengthened (forgiveness!) to be more like Christ (where His strength is made perfect in our weakness?!).

Soo....when I hear someone conclude that they have no regrets, I wonder....

- is that bc they've never made any mistakes (I don't think so) or bc they're just too proud (weak!) to admit they have (confess/repent/enjoy being forgiven)


- where's the peace in that?

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