The girls had a youth group White Elephant Christmas Party w/ a twist to go to tonight. The twist was that the gifts had to be handmade & the couldn't be edible. For a while we were stumped as to what they might bring but in the end they both made handmade stationery.

Playmaker took "handmade" literally & used her fingerprints to make these....

& Strike made notecards from some of her best photography.

Just thought they all turned out so nice! So nice...that I'd like some :)
Strike's photography made amazing cards and Player's fingerprint people made me nostalgic...seems like a lifetime ago that babymomma was making her own note cards that way...the reindeer are SO cute!!
Those are both so creative and so great! I'm sure people will be fighting over those!
Creative gals, just like their mom!
Well, here I am, just now getting around to your blog...the cards are a great idea, and the photography is nice---I'm doing the same thing for a friend for a Christmas gift--ordered prints and then they will go on cards. Will take a look around your blog... here I go!
What a wonderful idea..handmade and not food -- stationery and note cards hit the spot -- their creations are beautiful!
Those are great!
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