Thursday, August 20, 2009

A quick review of (the beauty of !) math

Ok - we've reviewed World Geography & Government. History too actually (below) - great (in my opinion) synopsis w/ an emphasis on what makes our American form of Government so very special & worth preserving - but also so vulnerable - esp. in times like these....

Today, let's brush up on math. I've said before that I like math bc a statement in math is either true or it's not...doesn't matter what you believe in that regard bc that doesn't change anything - & that I also believe math is part of a "code" that when "cracked" leads/points to God - & I've posted this before too - but I just think it's so cool.

(wish I knew the original source - but it's all over the internet & as I see it, God is the source - & I gather whoever took the time to figure it out ended up realizing /concluding what I believe - which is likely why they were compelled to share :) Enjoy...

Beauty of Mathematics !!!!!!!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Now, take a look at this...


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to

How about ACHIEVING 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:


Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K

8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%


K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E

11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%


A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
L-O-V-E- O-F- G-O-D

12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!


Yiota said...

Wow! I am totally, utterly impressed! ...and at a loss for words, it seems.

Yiota said...

I saw the trailer of the film you recommemded and it looks really good. I'll if I can find it here.

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

Did YOU come up with that?!?!?!?!? You have SUCH a gifted mind....

MYstory of HIStory said...

Hi Yiota ... I had a similar reaction the first time I saw it too. Neat huh :)

Lupine -- no - I don't know where it originated but I wish I did - as I'd love to learn more about the person who managed to figure it out in the first place :)

Mug said...

OH...MY...GOODNESS! May i use that with my students.....They keep a Quote Journal for me where they respond to quotes I write on the board, and I would LOVE to use the Percent/Attitude/Hard Work/Love of God part with them!

MYstory of HIStory said...

By all means, Mug. I just wish I knew the source & could give credit where credit is due. I hope your students enjoy it! How fun it must be to read their responses to the quotes! ... Kinda like "reading their minds" :)

warriormom said...

I feel so very smart checking out your blog these days with all the quotes and definitions and languages...! Thank you for the repost on the beauty of math, I love it! My last semester of college as an Eng. Lit. major I took a freshman math class just to have the comfort of a + b = c no matter what.