Thursday, August 13, 2009

The natural tendency of everything....

edited...bc after re-reading it myself, I'm not sure it even made sense on my first try :)

The natural tendency of everything is to move from order to disorder*. We are, in a manner of speaking, a dying universe - everything not specifically being protected & upgraded is in a downward spiral - aka the law of disintegration &/or entropy (my note: if you read/viewed this recent post, this may be tho't provoking in & of itself). The only way to postpone/temporarily combat its influence is to invest creative energy and intelligent design in that which is to be preserved*

Dr. Dobson said it so well in answer to a question re: marriage. I just summarized it even further (above) bc it struck me as simply profound & applicable to every aspect of life... work, relationships, environment, church, education, etc:

My tho'ts: Hmmm......

...Interesting - that in order to postpone/temporarily combat "the law of disintegration"
we need to do, to the best of our ability, what our Creator did perfectly the first time/at the beginning of time - using creative energy & intelligent design.

& seems SO obvious that the theory of evolution (continual improvement) makes no sense. Perhaps it's the only conclusion - even tho' it's illogical - when creativity & intelligence (God!) are excluded from the process to understand the universe (science) & instead we attribute it all to "random chance"?

All I know is that in my quest for answers to the really big questions of life I see incredible order, pattern, purpose & beauty that is undeniably obvious from the microscopic to telescopic (ie. have you ever considered how much a single cell resembles the solar system?!) which implies design (& therefore a Designer!). The nature of a/THE Creator (good!) is revealed & allows
so much to make so much more sense - to me. In turn, I'm inspired to invest creative energy & intelligent design in every aspect of life (home/family, politics, business, etc.) to attempt to preserve that which is good. So - please excuse me while I go do just that...

note: This could take a while ... bc I
find contemplating the universe while at the same time feebly trying to combat/postpone the law of disentegration in my corner of it - to be time consuming & exhausting at times (as I tho't this cartoon illustrates so well :) but I'll try to keep ya posted :)

*Focus on the Family Magazine Aug/Sept 2009 - Issue Pg 28


Randi Sue said...

Neat thought.

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! I Agree! So well put....