Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Picnic w/ a view....

We decided to picnic for dinner. Wanted a "table" w/ a view - but it was quite a hike.

Going UP!

It was worth it though!

WOW!! - would you look at that sea of trees!

These two got into quite the philosophical discussion....the question at hand was
"Does Science prove anything?" Hmmm..... pretty heavy stuff for table talk - but I must say it does look like she knows what she's talkin' about ... doesn't it ? :)

Going DOWN!

And ... what is this?!
... combined w/ the coolness of the evening I'd say that's some early signs that fall is just around the corner.


Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

While I may be nervous about prepping my winter wardrobe, I AM INDEED ecstatic about actually having seasons-- in Florida, the leaves started to change around February. Then they stopped. So, thanks for the Fall sneak peak! I am antsy with anticipation and plan to enjoy every color, texture and detail while in NC!

Mug said...

BEAutiful photos...The hike looks like photos we took on a trip to Mount Desert Island, Maine, a couple of summers ago....It was about this time of year, too.