Friday, February 6, 2009


All this talk about creativity has me thinking a lot about art.

As a child I enjoyed art class. Never gave much tho't to art being anything more than fun. Now - my practical side views much of what we refer to as art as a waste -- of time, supplies, money, etc.
But - understanding that art is a form of communication/creative expression -- & my firm belief that God revealed Himself to us in both His Word & in creation - beautiful/interesting (!) illustrations (artwork) of His Word - & that man was created in the image of God - has me considering that perhaps God gave us limited (we certainly can't make something/anything out of nothing as He can) creative abilities - so that we could enjoy creatively expressing Him (ministry!) too.

I gather that the purpose God created us for (to give Him glory/reflect Him/ministry), He intended to give us great joy(!) - as I sense He took great pleasure in revealing Himself to us.

1 Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

So - I wonder... if it saddens God that SO many think ministry is a heavy burden & church is boring. Is this a result of the selfish emphasis placed on "the arts" to creatively express who we are - rather than who HE is (or at the very least who we are in (because of) Him?!

Don't get me wrong - I don't think ministry always has to/should be fun/enjoyable ... but I do think that's how it was originally intended to be (before sin) & so I don't think there's anything wrong w/ it being fun either. In fact, when there's an opportunity to make ministry fun/enjoyable, I think we should view it more as a privilege/less as a burden....& seize it!

How does this apply to a wife, mother, homeschooler, sister, friend, etc.? - Let's just say there's MUCH room for improvement. If creatively expressing who God is - & who I am & who others can be b/c of Him (ministry) was really my continual focus, I'd be having a lot more fun & I'd be a much more enjoyable person to be around.

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