Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Too B.U.S.Y.?! - for our own good/friends

I'm convinced that:

- one of the most rare & precious treasures in life, is a good (key word here!) friend.

- good friends require a lot of time.

- God created us for relationship/friendship - in part bc we all have needs, a need to be needed & some thing(s) (strengths/gifts!) others need - & if someone thinks even one of those "links" doesn't apply to them, they're likely more independent than God ever intended them to be.

- satan knows God created people for relationship - which means it's a good thing(!) - & sooo he cleverly & effectively discourages & destroys relationships ...bc he knows & fears their potential for good!

... Perhaps that's why it seems one of the most effective ways satan goes about discouraging/destroying relationships is by encouraging people to be more & more independent.

It seems modern conveniences allow us to do so much more - for ourselves - than ever & in much less time than it used to take - & that the more we're able to do for ourselves, the more we do! Before we know it we're so busy "saving (hoarding?) time" that we have no time to share w/ anyone else who might need what we have to offer - & - we take pride (not a good thing!) in being independent & so begin to believe that asking for - or admitting that we need help is shameful.

Could it be that:

We're too busy
Being (independent) Under Satan's Yoke
for our own good ... & for our own good friends?!

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother - Proverbs 18:24 (NIV)

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