Sometimes I wonder where my blogger friends do their blogging from. This is the corner of my world...or is that - my corner of the world? Either way, I love this place! It's fairly organized - but I'm not obsessive that way (other ways perhaps - but not that way). It's the corner where school & home blend (actually that's the kitchen, dining & front room too) - What you don't see is a shelf full of books & stuff to the right - but when I want to "shut off" school & just have our house be home, I can tuck most of school neatly into this corner. It's where I study God's word, pray, journal, blog & it's where I connect w/ far away (& not so far away) family & friends - & to the outside world when I'm not out in it - which is much of the too cold for me winter! Brrr.
Can you spy w/ your little eye...
- Amazing Grace (framed hymn) w/ a BIG pink eraser - for BIG mistakes - in front of it?
- Sign - "I chose the road less traveled - now where the heck am I?"
- Sign - "We each leave our mark on the world every moment of every day through the choices we make & the actions we take." (gave this to Playmaker on her 1st day of High School)
- Sign - "I can't clean house and save the world at the same time!"
- Look Alikes Poster .... where things aren't always as they seem!
- My favorite books (some propped up like pictures - others on a shelf)
- Pics of my kiddos
- Butterfly collection (amazing gift from my husband! The Artist is incredible - awesome really! )
- Sign - "THYME BEGAN IN A GARDEN" (My friend gave that to me - love it!)
- Tree in full Bloom Pic (sometimes I just wanna jump into that pic - & be there!)
- Sign - "Guidance" my friend gave that to me too (She's a REALLY GOOD friend :)
stands for God, You & I dance (G-U-I-dance) - get it? :)
- My household notebook where I attempt to keep things All Together in One Place (that's the title of one my very favorite books ever too! by Jane Kirkpatrick)
- Long Term & Short Term savings banks...(Dachshund & poodle kissing :) - just had to have those...too bad they're empty!
- Microscope
- Thermometer
- Bible
- Sunflower coffee mug - this mug & I are practically one :)
- Games - love games!
- Sunflower pics my girls each drew for me. - They know what I like! :)
- One thing's missing.... a pic of me & my man! I must fix that! .. & I just threw that plant in there for looks - or m/b it's a pride thing. I'm not very good w/ plants...but this one's growing mid winter!...so I must be doin' somethin' right ;)
- It's simple - but it does have one luxury feature......the space heater beneath my desk -- that you can't see.
Seems like when you've been invited into someone's home, you instantly feel like you know them so much better...& your friendship is kicked up a notch - so - it's toward that end that I share this post w/ you :) Perhaps I'll share other stops on the nickle tour another time.
You are going to inspire me to reorganize my corner. Acutally, I have already started.
I love the chair, the green one. I wish I had a space like that. I am currently on the floor in the family room. Since I have a laptop and we don't have a "space" for it, I am all over the place. Any flat surface is my office. Which makes it hard to keep things uncluttered. Speaking of which we have a showing tomorrow that I just found out about, and I have a baby shower in the morning, in which I am bringing the cupcakes for. the house is a wreck. Would appreciate a prayer when you get up in the morning.
I LOVE this. Of course, I not going to post mine because lately I've been "mobile" moving all over the house wherever my stupid sciatic nerve will allow me to stand/lie without hearing piercing screams. Just kidding...about the screams, they're more like - nah - they're screams.
Odd question for you: The small ladder type desk on the right side - do those work? My elderly parents may be moving in with us very soon and we're having to think of inventive ways to stretch small spaces. David needs a place for his laptop in a quiet room so he can study/read. We're in a small house and that looks like it might actually fit in a bedroom.
Love your blog!!
Hi Bunny - yes - the desk works - but there's not a lot of room for stuff/to spread out so it kinda forces you to stay rather organized -- but as a place to plant yourself & a laptop --- it can certainly serve that purpose well!
As for you moving around a lot .... there's something to be said for flexibility (& a change of scenery too!).... sometimes I spend too much time in "my corner" :)
Hope your feeling better...I gather sciatic issues can be really painful.
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