Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back & Forth (Journaling)

I'm in the process (have been for about 3yrs!) of journaling back & forth via e-mail w/ a friend as together we read through the Bible - in hopes of having journaled thru' the entire Bible when we finally get to the end. We've put this on hold at times to do other studies together this way too. Love the accountability, insight, companionship & record of how The LORD continually meets me where I'm at, that journaling this way provides - & how it forces me to wrap words around things I'm beginning to better understand for myself as I try to explain them in a way that someone else can understand (no small task at times!).

Along that line, I'm restarting something I started a while back but let go by the wayside -- sharing a journal w/ each of my daughters (one teen/one wanna be teen!). - Just writing notes & keeping them all together in one place as we pass the journal back & forth. I started this w/ Playmaker & really enjoyed it. Got as far as buying a journal for Strike but we never actually put it to use. My friend has done this w/her daughter for years & is the one who originally inspired me. Love that it encourages communication here & now & captures memories for the future....b/c just the tho't of how much I might have already forgotten (tho' how can one know just how much that is...if indeed they've forgotten it?!?) is scary even to think about.

Also love that it gives us a way to "discuss" tough stuff in such a way that forces the other to think - & provides time to do just that - before responding (rather reacting!). If you're a mom, chances are you know kinda stuff I'm referring to ... the stuff that major arguments (& regrets) are made of.

Given that I'm not crafty but really enjoy making memories & friends, hope is that these journals will allow me... to do both.

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