Monday, January 12, 2009


21 years ago about this time (11 PM) ....I was trying to get my husband to drive faster!!! Then soon was clinging to a lightpost in the hospital parking lot ... then keeled over in the elevator as I waited out yet another painful contraction. At 1:49 AM on 1/13, Spokes was born!! ...It's strange having a child who is older than I was (19) when I had him .

21 words that describe him: Quiet - smart - gentle - focused - cyclist - Christian - wise - helpful - compassionate - funny - disciplined - thoughtful - athletic - kind - dedicated - student - brother - responsible -respectful - curious - resourceful .
21 things he's enjoyed over the years: Dinosaurs (loved that phase!), marine animals, Ninja Turtles, Big Wheel, rollerblading, skateboarding, skiing, hockey, reading, video games, aquariums, dogs, roller hockey, drawing, technology, music, camping, computers, cycling (mountain & road racing).
21 things I hope he'll enjoy the rest of his life... Strong personal relationships ... w/ God, family & friends - True joy & peace - Gainful employment doing what he enjoys - Wife & family who love him as much as we all love his Dad :) - Good Health - Adventure - Contentment - Friends who like him for who he really is - Respect, Home of his own shared w/ those he loves most, simple pleasures - encouragement - learning - wisdom - continual sense of wonder & excitement resulting from a holy curiosity.... (in summary: LIVING!)

Happy 21st Birthday Spokes! May you find, at the very least, as much joy in life as you have given me!

I love you & I'm SO proud of you.

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