Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just read...

I just read this. The book group I'm in began by reading the first book in this series. That book inspired the name of my blog. We begin each new year by reading the next book in the series (We're on #4). I look forward to this annual reunion w/ the characters ...feel like I'm touching base & catching up w/ good friends after letting much to much time (a whole year!) slip by since the last time we did that.

The ongoing story centers around a group of women (mostly strangers) that all attended the same Christian women's conference & were given the same number upon check-in & so were placed in the same prayer group. One woman received a "mom's worst nightmare" kinda phone call & these women bond so tightly as they get to know each other & lift this particular woman & her circumstances up in prayer. Their bond transcends the time limit imposed on it by the weekend retreat - & this new group takes on a life of it's own.

One of the things I love most about the story is that the women are
all from varied walks of life. Different cultures, ages. economic & marital status & professions. In a nutshell, they are VeRy different - yet they overcome their obvious differences that normally present themselves as barriers to potential relationships & become very good friends...friends that are intimately involved in each others lives. They encourage each other thru' the hard times - Help each other in practical ways - Work thru' differences that creep in & threaten their friendships - & celebrate happy times together, etc.

Clip from the description of book #4 at

"The Yada Yadas got tight in the past year, but they're about to learn the real meaning of togetherness.

We'd done it: we'd taken a mismatched, diverse group of women and cobbled together a prayer group that really worked for all of us. Now that spring was here, we were celebrating our one-year anniversary--and a wedding, an early parole, and two baptisms in the lake! Everything was feeling pretty great.

But it's when we're in our comfort zone that we're most likely to let our guard down. Without warning, lots of little things seemed to become big problems......"


Tammy@Fear Not said...

This sounds like a wonderful book series!

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

That does sound good! It might be my next Christian-based read. And, if it inspired this blog of yours, which I always look forward to so much, I know I will like it!

p.s. I loved your Cathy/CHarlie Brown comparison! That is so sweet!