Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It's a sure thing. All tests are conclusive.  There's no question. I've certainly got it.  It's not exactly contagious - but - once you have it, you always have it - and there are certainly times when it can be challenging to deal with.  I figure I've had it for about 23 years now.  Click here to learn more about the diagnosis and, if you haven't already, you can read more here about where I'm at in my own personal journey related to it.   And - please don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining.  But I must say, it is quite strange that when this diagnosis is certain, as it is in my case, the patient often suffers most when the most conclusive indicators of its presence are absent for a period of time - and she just doesn't feel quite like herself ... until they return.


Mug said...

I have missed you:)....but I see you have been quite busy while I have been "gone":)

I am now on Book 6 of the YadaYada Prayer group and must say the Baxter family reminds me much of what my minds eye sees of your wonderful family through the eyes of your blog!

MYstory of HIStory said...

Hey Mug....what FUN to find you here today!! I've missed you too.

I'm heading over to visit you at your place now! :)