Tuesday, July 1, 2008

John Adams

I've long understood that John & Abigail Adams are my ancestors & hope to trace the lineage sometime. After watching the powerful (inspirational!) John Adams miniseries together, my husband seems convinced that I am :) ...as it would explain much about why I am the way I am - & do what I do. If indeed, "it runs in the family", it seems I "inherited" the Adam's passion for truth & freedom. - And, tho' I don't speak/debate as eloquently "off the cuff" as John Adams did, given enough time, I'm usually able to wrap (written) words around my convictions as John & Abigail so often did in letters - to effectively communicate/explain the "why" behind "what" I believe.

It seems the Adam's willingness to sacrifice so much personal life, liberty & pursuit of happiness (*humility!) - in order to "practice what he preached" & serve their country toward that end, - is something to be attained (rather than inherited) by personally trusting God...& in His providence & sovereignty (which I do.) - and that in the Adam's Christ-like humility/sacrifice, their passion was converted to com-passion. While they weren't perfect, I believe it was this "trait" that allowed John & Abigail Adams to lead so effectively& leave such a lasting legacy of freedom built upon the solid foundation of Truth....and I find myself hoping that what I've been told about being related to them is indeed true...because it would be an honor.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. - John Adams

*humility - to see oneself as a servant - without regard for one's perceived "worth" or lack of it.... and to act accordingly

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