Friday, February 24, 2012

The Simple Girls' Day[out]Book

Outside our car windows ... a refreshing change of scenery unfolded yesterday as the girls and I headed out of town on a little daycation during school vacation to Providence Place in Rhode Island. Enjoyed shopping, movie, and dinner together.

Thankful ... that my girls wanted to spend the day with me :) 

We created ...  Well - given that making memories and friends are two of my most favorite things to do and that yesterday I felt more like my daughters' friend than their mother ... well, it all just made for some special memories with my girls/friends.  

We saw ... The Vow. So much creative license was taken with the true story that inspired us to see the movie in the first place that it was no longer a true story - not to mention I saw more than I wanted to see in some parts which means my girls saw more than I wanted them to see - which made me feel more like their mother than their friend again :/  It coulda, woulda, shoulda been so much better if they just stuck with the true story instead of making up what didn't really happen.

We recommend ... reading the book instead! 

Pondering ... a favorite quote from The Vow:

  • “My theory is about moments, moments of impact.  My theory is that these … flashes of high impact actually end up defining who we are.”

A peek into our day ...when the three of us crammed into a little sketch booth at the theatre :)  

The best $2 we spent all day! :)

Around the house ... While we were away Mak ate an entire bowl of mini banana muffins that I had left on the counter! :/  I guess that was his way of getting even with us for putting kitchen chairs on the couch and pushing the coffee table up against it so he wouldn't climb up on it while we were away.

1 comment:

warriormom said...

Oh, looks like a day well spent!!