Following are this week's 21 Day challenge questions & answers. Each day is linked to the corresponding post over at heart to heart with holley.
According to Holley: "Here's a light-hearted look at different ways we approach our stories...
The Princess - She wants her story to be perfect and strives to make it so. She's got a pen and she's not afraid to use it!
The Procrastinator - She's waiting for "happily ever after" to come. You can often hear her saying, "When X happens then I'll...."
The Planner - She prefers lists to silly stories. If it can't be planned and checked off, why bother including it in the plot?"
Who shares your life?
My husband & children are my "heart relationships"
(I probably confide in my kids more than most parents )
I know a lot of people. If I was on facebook you might be quite impressed in that regard - but in all honesty I have very few personal/"confiding in" relationships .... most are "functional" as described by the diagram on Holley's post...
but hey - I'm confiding in you here...that's progress - right?! :)
b) What's one little thing that helps you give God the red pen and make peace with who you are?
a) that would be a novel in & of itself!
What's the next S.T.E.P?
(Small, Tangible, Easy, Positive)
Well - I did answer this one. In fact, I took the step already - but I'm not quite ready to confind in you - to that extent - just yet. Thanks for understanding :)
Stay tuned for further details(!) as they relate to The Rest of My Story....
b) Hebrews 10(NIV): ....v4 because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
This verse helps me "give God the red pen" because it seems inherent in it is the understanding that He has already done what is impossible for us to do for ourselves (made perfect forever) ....& the "rest of the story" (being made holy) is a lifelong process from that point on. God's Word is full of examples of what this process might look like in individual lives. I hafta think we each can SO relate to one or a few of them very closely ... & perhaps to all of them to some degree.