Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Givingthanks

Wow - what a difference it makes when you wake up and start the day by focusing not on what you want and wish could be different - but rather on all the blessings you have to be thankful for and the fact that there is nothing you really need. It's ironic how shifting our focus this way brings the One to whom we should give thanks into focus more clearly as well.  

My husband & I have been up and at work in the kitchen for a while now. We've always enjoyed preparing the Thanksgiving feast together. The turkey is nicely filling the void left by the  piping hot cinnamon rolls that did a fine job preheating the oven for us.  Spokes is home & has already left for an early morning bike ride w/ a friend (mind you our thermometer said it was 23 degrees outside when he left the house!).  The girls are sleeping in late.

The house is quiet & cozy. Usually we have a house full of guests on this day - but this year it's just our family. All five of us. I love when we're all together in one place. I'm feeling a bit selfish & wrestling with a bit of guilt for not inviting anyone else over, but evenso I'm treasuring this time with the people I love most in the whole entire world & thoroughly reveling in the freedom this low key/stress free day affords to really focus more on all that I have to be grateful for and less on how clean my house is & how comfortable guests are, etc. Even my table, soon to be laden with a bountiful feast, is shaping up to reflect the simplicity of this simply special day. It's different - but so good.

Oh my! Look what my husband just delivered here to the corner of my world...

Please excuse me now. The Macy's Thanksgving Day Parade is about to begin. Hooray! The girls just woke in the nick of time.

Happy Givingthanks!


Yiota said...

I love the sound of things there!
I know what you mean about ' just us family'
Happy a Wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
PS. I've thinking about rereading Rivers' story of Mary.

Mug said...

Just "Poppin'" in to check out your thoughts on this Day of Thanksgiving. Just as I expected, I found thoughts to mirror my own...only expressed so much better than I could have....Spit! Spot!....God bless you and your family:)

Susan said...

Hi Joyce, Thanks for stopping by. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family too. I agree, so nice to reflect of ALL that we are Thankful for. The more i hear about sick children, cancer and injuries the more thankful I am for our healthy family. God is good. He has given us much. Enjoy your quiet day with your family. Love, Susan
PS are you on FB? friend me if you are.

Bunny Wilson said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my blogging friend! It's in the mid 70s here - lots of people complain about that, but it's just one of the many things I'm grateful for. I pray you have a beautiful day!

warriormom said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day! How nice to be all together. The big gangs are fun but sometimes there's just too many to be able to really talk to anybody! Glad to see you back blogging, I've missed you.

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

It looks like your holiday was wonderful! I agree - sometimes you just gotta be selfish and enjoy the peace of family time.

I spent the day with close family, here. (Saving the travelling for later.)

Thanks for stopping by!

troutbirder said...

Sounds perfect to me. Our family is far away in Colorado. Still we will be with them over the Christmas holidays.

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

Beautiful post! I loved every word...

I'm so glad to hear your Gratitude Day was full of warmth and cheer.