Monday, November 29, 2010

The ADVENTure is about to begin

...& I'm determined to try to keep our family's focus more on Christ & giving (sharing Christ) & less on us & receiving - which theoritcally means I have today & tomorrow to finish up Christmas shopping for our family. Yikes! - I'd hoped to be done before Thanksgiving!

I definitely want to embrace the tradition begun two years ago of celebrating Advent by attempting to bless someone unsuspecting each day w/ a random act of kindness  - & challenging my family to do the same. But this year I want to shift the focus more onto Christ by doing more random acts anonymously &/or spontaneously....not necessarily planning/premeditating each one but rather by praying  for guidance & looking for that unsuspecting one, on any given day, to be revealed, then blessing them in such a way that will honor Christ and give Him glory. If I'm more concerned about why I'm doing this and Who I'm doing it for & less concerned with how much I do, that should make a big difference. 

What more central location in a home is there for an Advent calendar than the refrigerator?! ....which  is why I'm considering the possibilities this clever (magnetic!) calendar contains for keeping our focus on Christ this Christmas season. I thought of tucking into these tiny tins, the names of people - or groups of people - to bless &/or pray for specifically on "that day"  - or a scripture reference to look up daily as a reminder straight from God's Word about Who & why we celebrate Christmas. I'm not crafty but am seriously considering making this because it's so simple & practical .....& I'd love to pass it on down to my grandchildren someday. 



These mittens could certainly be used to work the meaningFULL magic of Christmas in a similar fashion  ....



The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

I like those magnetic tins. A very nice way to start a tradition :)

Best wishes on getting the rest of the shopping done. I couldn't possibly try to do it that fast!

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

Oooh, I like the magnetic tins!