Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/31 (call it what you will)

I am a Christian & I think b/c of that, I struggle most not with wanting to do things I know are wrong ... but with things I'm just not sure of....those things where one has to decide when in Rome, to do what the Romans do - or not. I'm increasingly convinced that the difference - when there is no clear cut right or wrong - between a good choice & a bad one, is the heart/motive that the decision is made in. That's where I really wrestle...especially when it comes to our kids --- which brings me to - dare I say it....trick or treating.

(Deep inhale on my part) We allow our children to trick or treat & we enjoy carving pumpkins together. (long exhale....) There.... it's out there ... at least I'm honest. Do I wrestle w/ this...yes --- every year... mostly tho' for fear of what other people will think...b/c God knows my heart. I see nothing inherently wrong in dressing up in fun costumes (hmm m/b I should call it role playing?) or in carving/lighting up pumpkins (hmmm...m/b I should eliminate the "jack-o"...& just call them lanterns?)--- or going door to door for candy (hmm... m/b I should have my children say "May I please have a piece of candy?" instead of "trick-or-treat!"?).

There's never a good reason to "celebrate evil" - but that is not what we do in any way, shape or form- & it's precisely why, day in & day out as we live in an evil & profane world, we try to keep our focus on the appropriate...& off the inappropriate.... which is the very same thing we do on 10/31 as we focus on the fun & fantasy/imagination/pretend/play (call it what you want) that is such an important part of a child's growth & development every other day of the year.

Can't help but wonder if we were to allow our children to play dress up on any other day except 10/31....or.... if we were to carve melons instead of pumpkins....or carve anything but silly faces into our pumpkins,.... would that somehow make it less wrong/more right (ie. politically correct?!)
I understand that pagans at some point did some of these things too ...but I gather the Christmas Tree has pagan roots...& so does body (ear?) piercing among a long list of other controversial things.

Some essentially hide from the world on 10/31 & on a daily basis --- others try to make "that night" fun/special/something to look forward to (celebrate?) for their children by providing some sort of good clean fun - & even some churches plan Harvest Festivals on "that night" in what seems to be a similar mindset (I just rec'd an invitation to one). I gather that the "why" behind what they're doing & not doing is quite similar to the "why" behind what we're doing & not doing .... & I respect them for it.


Randi Sue said...

Well said.

Susan said...

My girls went trick or treating on Friday for the 1st time. I tend to swing on the side of ultra conservative, usually seeking to be obedient to God, before swinging back to the middle and realizing that we can redeem old pagan holidays and rituals and shine for Jesus. It's a journey. The kids had fun and were safe in Coburg, a small town in which our host new all the people homes we went to. (for moms peace of mind).

Carrie Thompson said...

you said what you needed to say well. I love when people can articulate their ideas or beliefs well.