Friday, November 21, 2008


Took these pics on a trip recently to a butterfly conservatory - Magic Wings - in Deerfield, MA. What a neat experience!


Susan said...

if you go to the end of my page you will see a link to Lena's. She has a list of free templates. You just download and copy and paste into your edit html and there you have it. Unfortunately you loose most of what is in your side bar and would need to add that all back in. that is the bummer. But I like the change once in a while.
Let me know if you want more help to do that.

mom24boys said...

Oh my gosh! It makes me realize how out of touch we've been. I didn't know you had gone out west. Did you do Yankee Candle while you were there? We loved going both places when we lived there. I'm always out there for other things and we don't go as often as time once allowed us. My brother is about 10 minutes from there.