Friday, June 27, 2008

Am I clinging to stuff - or is stuff clinging to me?

Seems I spend waaay too much time/energy moving stuff! I'm in major "simplify mode" - which requires getting rid of stuff! - Yet it's not easy to part w/ so much of it!

I have no real hobbies....but still manage to collect (accumulate!) stuff.

I crave the feeling/sense of accomplishment (success?) I get when I have a place for everything and everything is in its place, yet rarely attain it. I get so close....but even that requires so much effort (time & energy!).

A lot of my stuff is sentimental/heirloom in nature - wrapped in memories that seem to "obligate" me to keep it.

So much of my stuff causes me to feel safe, satisfied & significant - yet I'm convinced these are the very same features of the most effective traps ..... and that comfort and convenience are the lures.

If I can just rid myself of a lot of stuff - I'll have so much more.... time, space, money, energy (freedom?).

All of this causes me to consider ..... Are success & freedom synonyms or antonyms?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in a quandry--I love living simply like we are with most of our things packed, yet I know I can't get rid of all that stuff yet. I will pair down surely, but all of it? I don't think so. I think if I can manage to get it in an organized place I will do ok. But that does take time and energy, and mostly it takes time and energy to KEEP it organized. Hopefully this house selling will establish in me some new and improved habits out of necessity. Hoping.